Monday, April 8, 2013

Next Garden Work Day on Wednesday, April 17!

 Hope you can join us on Wednesday, April 17 (school vacation week) at 2:00 for our next work day. 
Kids, bring a snack, meet up at the gathering circle in the Bird & Butterfly Garden for a little story time, and then we'll get to work on the latest garden tasks!

On our last work day, Josh worked with some great helpers to cut and bend hoops for the raised beds.  When covered with spun polyester (also known as Remay), the hoops provide some extra protection for those germinating seeds.

Here are some photo highlights:

 Ian cutting metal conduit for the hoops.

 Bending a hoop in the homemade jig.

 Lots of hoops to cut!

The Brienza girls are great hoop benders.

Thanks everyone, and maybe we'll see you next time!  

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