
A donation in any amount will help our garden grow! 

See our WishList on the main page of our blog to see what we are looking to purchase to enrich students' experience of the garden.

Upcoming projects include:
  • Building a raised strawberry bed to enhance Grade 3's study of local history.
  • Creating a new Entry Garden at the the entrance of the school garden, featuring plantings that will enhance curriculum units already presented at Mullen-Hall School, such the 5 Senses (Kindergarten) and Plant Adaptations (Grade 4).
  • Building season extenders for the beds that still need them.  These simple covers allow for a longer gardening season for our students.
Checks may be made payable to Mullen-Hall P.T.O. and mailed to:
 Mullen-Hall School  attn.: MH School Garden  130 Katherine Lee Bates Road   Falmouth, MA  02540

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