Thursday, October 17, 2013

Family Garden Days

Our after-school garden sessions are lots of fun!

Thank you to all the families who turned out for work and play at our last session, and mark your calendars for next time:
Monday, October 28 from 3:30 to 5:00. 
There will be some building projects, including building 2 new raised beds!  Stop by for any amount of time.

Here, our friend Lucia is running by, delivering an earthworm to her class plot during our last after-school garden session.  Lucia and other friends discovered an abundance of worms in the compost donated by Falmouth Academy, and busied themselves with relocating them to their own plots.  They know worms are good for gardens!  You may have also seen Lucia and her little brother Miguel in the Falmouth Enterprise, working on this kid-invented worm relocation project.

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